Use "in the presence of both parties|in the presence of both party" in a sentence

1. Both Asepsis and antisepsis are different approaches applied in places where the presence of pathogenic …

2. The presence of both hooked and unhooked Barbules was further verified by experiment

3. Its population in Canada is limited due to both snow depth and the presence of the Canadian lynx.

4. You must sign the document in the presence of an independent third party .

5. 4 Her presence animated the party.

6. Both sides have chosen to have a strong naval presence.

7. 15 You must sign the document in the presence of an independent third party .

8. Both brain size and the presence of the Broca's area also support the use of articulate language.

9. We see a cornfield and a cottage, both solid evidences of man's presence.

10. Cryptography provides for secure communication in the presence of malicious third-parties—known as adversaries

11. A system for the detection and indication of both the absence and presence of voltage is described.

12. This behavior serves as the basis of detecting formaldehyde in the presence of acetaldehyde, acetaldehyde in the presence of acetone, andω-chloroacetophenone in the presence of acetophenone.

13. The Cryptorchism is the state characteristic of a male in the presence of which one or both small egg are not in a scrotum

14. The presence of multiple Adenomata in both these patients would bring up the concept of a possible inherited weakness in these individuals’ ectodermal structures

15. Your presence at the party is requested.

16. The presence of Booklice bodies in …

17. Both Tribunals consider that the potential residual functions require the active presence of a registrar at all times.

18. State Agitationist Sameer Raturi joined Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Srinagar on Thursday in the presence of the state in-charge of the party, Dinesh Mohaniya

19. Amercement - a payment applied to both parties in a civil suit for the privilege of using the courts, more especially to discourage frivilous suits; the losing party paid both Amercements

20. He needed his wife's presence to spruce him up and to take both him and the cottage in hand.

21. Both the miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased the presence of digital devices in modern life far beyond the limited application of dedicated computing machines.

22. Chary -- aloof in the presence of strangers.

23. Both Parties are active in the production and supply of grey cement.

24. The presence of minority parties would also engender a diversity of opinions and ethnic backgrounds.

25. 11 Have both the parties acted in good faith?

26. When the u.v.-irradiated acceptor pollen are germinated in visible light there is stimulation in both cases: the germination proceeds in presence or absence of the pollentube extract.

27. A Bilateral contract, in which both parties have offered something of value as consideration, is considered binding on both parties immediately upon the exchange of promises

28. Both parties in the debate shared some common ground.

29. Others feel apathetic about the candidates in both parties.

30. Anyway, from the biochemical point of view is the yeast fermentation for both aerobic (in the presence of air) as well as anaerobic (without air) digestion.

31. Admittance to Ward C is forbidden without the written consent and physical presence of both myself and Dr. Cawley.

32. A king's presence is the presence of his authority.

33. Carboxyhemoglobinemia: The presence of Carboxyhemoglobin in the blood

34. Caucuses are an important part of mediation because of the presence of a third party.

35. In November 2015, both parties agreed to a division of labour.

36. Both major parties have made strong commitments in support of Israel.

37. Public finance theory, in which he is particularly known for his work on determining the optimal allocation of resources in the presence of both public goods and private goods.

38. Bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in urine

39. olefins in the presence of an acid catalyst.

40. presence of disease in adjacent areas

41. Finding the Presence of Coacervates in a Solution

42. Representatives of both parties shared a platform .

43. Albuminuria definition, the presence of albumin in the urine

44. It is the presence of the divine in marriage.

45. He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses.

46. Bacteriuria definition, the presence of bacteria in the urine

47. The problem was making her presence known to any search party.

48. BRUCE A purple or violet Coloration proves the presence of salicylic acid, which in turn indicates the presence of saccharin

49. Amoy Food is known for its cooking sauces and frozen foods with a presence in both North America and Europe

50. Both parties head there.

51. Concordance, as used in genetics, usually means the presence of the same trait in both members of a pair of twins.However, the strict definition is the probability that a pair of individuals will both have a certain characteristic, given that one of the pair has the characteristic

52. T he Alexandrian Witch is someone who reveres the presence and powers of both masculine and feminine energies, and works with both equally during ritual to a large extent

53. These experiments revealed that Acrab-TolC is essential for the acquisition of Tc resistance in the presence of chloramphenicol and erythromycin (a macrolide), which both inhibit translation, and

54. ‘In the presence of excess ground waters, Brucite in the friable

55. It can't be organised in the presence of invaders.

56. It will facilitate sharing of experience and expertise of both the parties in the area of recruitment.

57. Aromatase activity is decreased in the presence of magnesium

58. An old woman ridiculous in the presence of desire.

59. Bacteriuria definition is - the presence of bacteria in the urine.

60. Albuminemia (Noun) The (normal) presence of albumin in the blood

61. He signed the treaty in the presence of two witnesses.

62. Anklets are both seen and heard; but bracelets, belts, earrings, and amulets only sound their presence.

63. The document was signed in the presence of two witnesses.

64. Vessel (Candle / Vessel / To Be Without) An Absence of Presence is a necessary detour for both Amun and It’s members

65. Don't get gay in the presence of so many people.

66. The Burgesses drilled and exercised in the presence of the governor

67. Henceω-chloroacetanilide can be identified in the presence of acetanilide.

68. The presence of mercury, also, in these tombs, is unusual.

69. What does Bacteriuria mean? The presence of bacteria in urine

70. Than to humiliate you in the presence of a noble.

71. Yet politicians in both parties have pandered ceaselessly to the language-Balkanizers

72. Both parties should appear in person to apply for the MArriage License

73. Yet, politicians in both parties have pandered ceaselessly to the language-Balkanizers

74. Yet, politicians in both parties have pandered ceaselessly to the language-Balkanizers

75. The wedding was celebrated in the presence of six thousand guests.

76. I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.

77. Strong acids and bases can be titrated in the presence of all three indicators in ethanol solution, also ammonia indirectly in the presence of III; likewise acetic acid.

78. Criminal justice is administered on the basis of the principle of adversarial presence and the equality of the parties to the proceedings.

79. In both instances, it encompasses the transfer of rights held by one party, the assignor, to another party, the Assignee.

80. In both instances, it encompasses the transfer of rights held by one party, the Assignor, to another party, the assignee.